Every week we talk with family members who are worried about their aging parent(s). Adult children can be overwhelmed with the demands of an elderly loved one's care. They call us for help.

Typical CaseMoney Solution for Ageing Parents

Mom is mostly unaware of her inability to handle things on her own and really want to keep control of her keys and checkbook. She has handled these things for years and is not about to give them up.

Dad is worried about Mom. He's concerned she'll wander off or drive somewhere and get lost. He's increasingly uncomfortable leaving her home alone, worried she'll try to use the stove and not remember to turn it off. At the same time, he feels quilty when he things about taking away the car keys. He feels really stuck and unsure of what to do.

The daughter lives only 5 minutes away. She is worried sick about her parents, and the situation is adding a lot of stress to her life. She knows her mom is unsafe, so she does all she can to help, but she has a family of her own and works full-time. Because her dad is stuck and doesn't know what to do to keep her mom safe, she is feeling immense pressure to be the parent of her parents.

The son lives far away, in another state. He tries to come home every year, but its been almost 18 months since his last visit. He thinks his sister is trying to be too controlling and take over everything. He know his mom and dad have slipped some, but they seem fine when he calls them every few weeks.

So, here we are. We've got issues of safety, feeling of quilt, changing family dynamics and sibling friction all mixed up together in a big, stressful situation.

A Life Care Plan Can Lighten the Load

It's a hard situation, but a very common one. This family needs help help with legal, financial and care decisions. This is what we do.

People in situations like these find that the support they get from a Life Care Planning Law Firm such as ours is often the the best help of all. Through the combined expertise of the attorney (who was a social worker) and the Elder Care Coordinator (a social worker specializing in geriatric care managment), we create a Life Care Plan. This plan describes how our team will meet the elder's medical, emotional, long-term care, legal and financial needs during a long-term illness or incapacity. Our team will be with the family every step of the way to assist them in making the right choices. The peace of mind for the family members are immeasurable.

Simply put, a Life Care Plan is the ultimate protection for elders and those who love them.












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